As soon as the girl came to know about the ‘disgusting’ act of the millionaire boss, the girl reached the court, got a compensation of Rs 23 crore!

As soon as the girl came to know about the ‘disgusting’ act of the millionaire boss, the girl reached the court, got a compensation of Rs 23 crore!

Nowadays everyone is so busy in their work that many times they do not get time to raise their children. In such a situation, either people leave their children in a daycare center or hire a nanny at home who will take care of the children. In return, one gets a good amount of money. Especially in western countries, the salary of a nanny is so high that it has become a full time profession.

In this kind of arrangement, there is always a fear that someone might break your trust. Just as there is a responsibility to do the work properly in a job, similarly the employer also has the responsibility to take care of the employee. Something different happened with a girl working in a millionaire’s house in America. She had never imagined that the man whose four children she was raising would betray her.

The owner did a disgusting thing
25 year old Kelly Andrade worked as a nanny at a millionaire’s house in Colombia, America. He felt something different in his bedroom in the year 2021. Kelly already suspected that her boss always wanted to set up a device in her room. After a few days, he realized that his boss had installed a camera in his house, which also contained a memory card. This camera contained all Kelly’s personal recordings. Her changing clothes and other personal moments were also captured in the memory card.

The girl reached the court
As soon as Kelly came to know about this act, she took legal help and reached the court. He filed a case against his millionaire boss Anthony Esposito. After the hearing, the court ruled in Kelly’s favor and he received $2.78 million i.e. approximately Rs 23 crore as compensation. Compensation was received but this news is raising questions about anyone’s personal security and privacy.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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